Monday, September 6, 2010

Thomas Keller's Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pure Serendipity.

Thomas Keller and I had a moment through these cookies. I went to Soma Chocolatier and bought dark and regular milk chocolate bars because I didn't know which ones I should use. Totally forgot to buy vanilla extract too while we were out. When I got home, I thought I couldn't make the cookies from the recipe I originally set out to make. Next thing I knew, the Ad Hoc at Home cookbook was staring me in the face and I decided to flip through it to see if Keller had a cookie recipe. Lone behold, he did have one that did not require vanilla extract and needed both dark and milk chocolate bars. That was the moment. The moment I knew that our upcoming French Laundry $250 lunch will all be worth it. (Yes it is expensive, but just let me justify it!)

Conclusion: I'm happy to say that the cookies turned out tasting and looking like the way they were described and shown in the book. Yeh!!!! It also helped that Keller had great instructions like sifting the cut chocolate and misting the cookies. No wonder he is a modern day master.

My first ever batch of cookies

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