Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup

My brother would probably ask me why I am taking an Asian recipe from a west man...

Tonight, we made Jamie Oliver's Thai Chicken Noodle Soup and I tried to cut corners by not straining the soup. There really wasn't a proper strainer at our place for this. I totally forgot that the lemongrass would make the noodle hard to eat since you can't really chew those hard pieces of stalk. The whole time while eating the noodles, I had to pick out the lemongrass from the soup. It just ruined the experience. Also, I found the noodles weren't getting cooked enough at first just in the boiling water so I decided to put the noodles in the broth to cook. But I left it in there too long and it ended up being too soft. It must be the curse of the soft noodle. (No sexual undertone whatsoever.) We experienced it tonight and also two weekends ago when I went to my favourite pho place, Pho Hung, with Auntie D. Pissed me off, big time. Pho Hung is so good that it was even featured in NY Mag as one of the places to go if people were to visit Toronto. I mean, they could have put down Canoe or Splendido or even Sushi Kaji. But no they chose the good old Pho Hung. It truly is a landmark in Toronto Chinatown with its cow logo shining bright at the corner of Spadina and St. Andrews. It shines like a lighthouse in a storm for ship lost at sea. (I'm the ship.) So I'm not sure why they had to let me down. This is the only time where I have had a bad experience there with their food so I am willing to give them a second and third chance. The al dente rice noodle is the only way to go. Anything else is purely unacceptable. Oh well, better luck next time.

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup

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